Tag: corona virus
एक और महामारी का मंडरा रहा है खतरा! चीनी वैज्ञानिकों ने खोजा एक नया बैट वायरस
HKU5-CoV-2 एक नया बैट कोरोनोवायरस है जो मेरबेकोवायरस सबजेनस से संबंधित है, जिसमें मिडिल ईस्ट रेस्पिरेटरी सिंड्रोम वायरस भी शामिल है।
All you got to know about Lumpy Skin Disease.
Just after the Coronavirus was coming to an end, another disease broke out not among the humans but in cattle. Now as the majority of the Indian states have witnessed the disease among their cattle it has been declared as an Epidemic disease among the cattle and animals. We all have heard about the disease…