
राजस्थान (डिजिटल डेस्क)। Saatvic Diet Significance: हिंदू धर्म में व्रत का खास महत्व है। क्योंकि हिंदू धर्म (Saatvic Diet Significance) में व्रत करना मनुष्यों के लिए अच्छा माना गया है। इससे ना सिर्फ व्यक्ति की आत्मा शुद्ध होती है बल्कि शरीर को भी आराम मिलता है। व्रत के दौरान लोग सिर्फ सात्विक भोजन ही करते […]

राजस्थान (डिजिटल डेस्क)। Ram Mandir fast: भारत भर में चल रहे अयोध्या के राम मंदिर (Ram Mandir fast) की प्राण प्रतिष्ठा को लेकर आयोजन और अनुष्ठान इस बात का साक्ष्य है कि आस्था का कितना बड़ा संकल्प पूरे भारत में लिया जा रहा है। एक संकल्प देश के प्रधानमन्त्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने भी लिया है। […]

India Know as the land of celebrations and festivals. And the celebration of festivals have already begun starting from Navaratri, Durga puja, Dussehra and now karwa Chaut. You must have heard of Karwa Chaut many a time, even you would have seen your mother fasting the whole day and then finally breaking the fast at […]

Finally its the time of the year for which people across the country wait for, its the Navratri season, finally the time when people get to enjoy with their loved ones, they do garba, worship to Maa Durga they get to try different delicacies and what not.Navaratri is the most awaited Hindu festival celebrated all […]

As Navratri has approached and a very special decision has been taken by the Indian Railways to introduce the “Navratri Special” menu for all those people who would be fasting while traveling in trains during these 9 days of festival. In order to make train journey even more convenient during their fasts this decision is […]