Unrecognized Benefits of Curd : Skincare Talks.

The most loved and the most favourite side ingredient on our plates the ‘Curd’ is loved by everyone of course we all know the health benefits that curd provides us, but are you aware that apart from the health benefits the curd can also be used as an alternative for cleanser? Curd is also the most natural thing which can be used by one for the skin and hair benefits, Anther underrated Natural ingredient which is being neglected by us when it comes to skin care i Curd, the most favourite and the trusted ingredient which was used by older generation which resulted in their beautiful skin even in their old age.

Benefits of Curd :

Apart from the health benefits Curd has, it also has other properties in it which helps in good skin and hair, it promotes moisturizing of the skin and hair, also prevents acnes, tighten the open pores, lighten the dark spots on skin and so many other benefits. Now you must be wondering that how does curd benefits our skin from outside, it is simply because it is acidic in nature and the Lactic acid present naturally in it it helps for better exfoliation and moisturizing often skin from the deep layers. Also helps in prevention from the Skin burn, if your skin is exposed to the sun for too long, don’t worry just apply good amount of curd on the face and rinse it with normal water for best results.


Majority of the skincare brands these days are claiming that they use the curd as their main ingredient for their particular product, well! No one knows the actual truth behind that, but in order to get the best results we can use the curd in its best possible natural way to use. Following are some o the DIY one can prepare for themselves for the best possible result :

  • Curd and Honey face pack : The totally natural face pack made up of 2 natural and best ingredient is suitable for all skin types, mix the required amount of ingredients unless it turns into a good paste and then apply on your skin, leave the paste for about 20 mins and then rinse it off with cold water, the curd in the pack helps for the cooling effect out will be getting after the application of pack and honey will be beneficial for the moisturization .
  • Curd and Besan face pack : The ingredient mainly used for oily skin type helps to reduce the extra il and dirt from the sin and the curd here will be providing the much needed glow on the skin, add a table spoon of Gram flour (beasan) and add the required curd in the bowl and then apply it on the skin for the rest 20 mins, once the pat is harder, rinse it off from the skin with the help of cold water.

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